Please contact us if your question is not answered below.

Q: Is SWE only for women or can men join as well?
A: SWE is open to both women and men. Anyone who supports women in engineering is welcome to join. In fact a lot of our speakers and presenters at the national and regional conferences are men.

Q: How much does it cost to join SWE? Where can I get more information?
A: SWE membership depends upon whether you are a full-time student, a recent graduate or a full-time working professional. Also you can get discounted membership if you are a member of other engineering organizations like NSBE and SHPE. Your employer can also sponsor you to be a member. Talk to your manager or human resource personnel regarding this. More information on membership can be found at www.swe.org/membership

Q: Why should I join SWE?
A: SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders. To learn more about what SWE has to offer visit www.swe.org/membership.

Q: Who can attend SWE-ECI events?
A: All of SWE-ECI’s events are open to all. Students are welcome to attend and learn more about engineering as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Visit the events page for details on individual events.

Q: How much does it cost to attend SWE-ECI events?
A: This varies depending upon the individual event. A lot of events are free to the community. Networking events are free or have a minimal fee associated with them. All outreach and volunteer events are free. Conference events run by the society and attended by our local chapter will have a cost associated them. SWE members and full-time students get discounted prices for these events. Visit the events page for details on individual events.

Q: How can I become more involved with SWE and SWE-ECI?
A: We are always looking for volunteers and mentors for our various events. To participate in any of SWE-ECIs outreach programs contact SWE-ECI Outreach Chairs. To volunteer to help organize other events contact us at swe-eci@swe.org.

Q: How can my company sponsor an event?
A: Your company can sponsor any of our events listed on the events page. If your company would like to sponsor other specific events please contact us. Visit the Sponsorship page for more details.